Funeral Crashers: La Fin Absolue Du Monde – Music Review

13_1737“Menlo Park”, the first track off The Funeral Crashers’ album has some weird ass Marilyn Manson like moaning that’s just confusing the hell outta me. The whole song has a Manson feel to it in terms of the striving for it vocals and overall song construction. Don’t get me wrong, I am an old skool Manson fan but in this case, I’d just listen to the original.

After finally getting through the whole album,”Menlo Park” is an excellent glimpse of what the rest of it is like. The whole thing leans heavy on Manson influence, along with mid to late 1980s dark, early goth thrown in for some good but not very contrasting, measure. The album itself is boring to anyone who actually listens to those types of music already and the vocals just sound extremely forced in the singer’s attempt to copy Manson.

“Menlo Park” was mentioned as a standout song strictly because it was the first track, other than that, all of the songs could easily be the same, if this album was playing in the background. Instead of even stealing this album, my advice would be get some original Marilyn Manson or even some Dope if you need some more mallternative in your listening before you pick up this album.

Sorry Funeral Crashers, but not even this former mall metal fan is impressed.

Track Names
Menlo Park
Faithless Sons
A Personal Vendetta
Blackout Days
Mystery Hand
Uninvited Guest
Video Killer
Nuclear Man
Curtain Rise / Curtain Fall

Artist: Album
Funeral Crashers: La Fin Absolue Du Monde

Alternative & Punk

More Information

Author: Jen Klee