
Hot Indie News is an online news resource with a progressive vision. It serves as an alternative voice to mainstream media and provides a forum for creativity, activism and self-discovery. The editorial focus is experiential and down to earth and embraces a creative, socially conscious way of life. Features include a beyond the mainstream slant on politics, the arts, health and spirituality, lifestyle options, offbeat humor and more.

Hot Indie News’ appeal crosses over generational lines and is defined by values, interests and lifestyle choices rather than conventional demographics. The Website doesn’t disregard mainstream culture; instead, it goes beyond its limitations with respect for human dignity, cultural diversity and the environment. The name “HOT INDIE NEWS” allows for originality and experimentation, not having to follow traditional rules. Add fun and playfulness to this mix, and you have the essence of the HotIndieNews.com experience.

Target Audience

Hot Indie News’ core audience consists of artists, activists, progressives, visionaries, innovators, educators, bohemians, feminists, gay and lesbians, and others who dare to think outside the box of convention. To reach this market, HotIndieNews.com will target many creative and cultural communities with an emphasis on The Cultural Creatives, The Creative Class and the LOHAS market.

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