Carol Blaze: Blur – CD Review

11_06221Rating: 2/5

I like heavy albums.  This is a heavy album, but I don’t like it much.  Yes, it does have the heavy part down, but there is no energy, and most of the songs are droning and flat.  There are a couple of good tracks, such as “Abandon” and “Where the Night is Calling”.  The latter sounds a lot like a Nirvana song with the guitar missing from the verses.

Aside from the initial surprise of first learning that Carol Blaze is actually a man, nothing he did on this album was particularly new or fresh.  He is particularly found of the distortion guitar, which immediately became annoying.  It’s not that Blaze can’t play guitar and needs distortion to cover it up, he can play, as he displayed on “One Summer Day”, then what’s wrong with a clean guitar sound?  Nothing!  It baffles me why he did it on so many songs.  Something else annoying: echo from the vocals.  One great part of this album is that there is a good, clean, and clear bass holding the songs together throughout the album.

One fatal flaw of the album is that it never really sped up past a moderate tempo.  A rock album needs fast tracks that fill the listeners with energy and draw them in immediately, coupled with almost nonsensical lyrics, this is not an album that you can rock to.  Its few highlights salvage this album from being complete garbage.

Track Names
Curled Beside Love
Slow Shake
Where The Night Is Calling
One Summer Day
Nightside Reconnection
After Great Pain
Computer Androids Can’t Compare
Hotel View
If I Could

Artist: Album
Carol Blaze: Blur

More Information

Author: Tingyu Shen