Swamp Cabbage: Squeal – CD Review

03_0541Blues, blues, blues is what we have here. Swamp Cabbage is the name of the group and swamp cabbage is actually something that really exists (go figure). I actually had to go and research that (yea – it really was a slow news day). Swamp Cabbage is what many people refer to as hearts of palm (I’m not really sure why) and they boil this stuff up and eat it with chicken, fish or whatever. Needless to say I will not be eating this Swamp Cabbage or any other version of it. I will say this though – if this Swamp Cabbage is any indication of the tastiness of the real stuff then I am surprised we are not all eating it.

Blues has a special place in the hearts of many country folk. From the stuff that was played in the 50’s that was later stolen by white guys like Elvis to the Bluegrass style that was played out on the front porch of many a home in the middle of nowhere. Do not that the name full you though. Swamp Cabbage is the real deal.

During the song “Jesus Tone” I could have sworn I heard a little “Satisfaction” riff ala the Rolling Stones but they may have just been in my imagination. In any case the song was groovy – more like 60’s funk meets Blues but all good stuff. I was glad to give it a listen since I do not get a lot of chances to listen to Blues – old or new.

Another song to mentioned is “Dixieland” which had that bluegrass sound. It was a gritty throwback tonally and I enjoyed it completely. The lead singer has that deep sound that I can only compare to guys like ZZ Top and even Lemmy from Motorhead. He certainly can blow out those lyrics and they sound very sweet and robust – deep and sullen. Musically the band has got some unpolished groove thing going on that works incredibly well for them and this mode of musical genius continued throughout the entire album. I hate perfection in music like this – it ruins the groove of the sound. Over produced music sucks because music is not meant to be perfect. You want it to sound just a little unclean. Compare it to fruits and vegetables. They always taste the best when they are just ripe enough to eat – too ripe you lose the flavor and the texture. The same goes for music.

Swamp Cabbage deserves a long listen.

Track Names
Jesus Tone
Necktie Man
Purdy Mouth
New Voodoo Boogaloo

Artist: Album
Swamp Cabbage: Squeal


More Information

Author: Michael Johnson