Mary Prankster: Lemonade (LIVE) – CD Review

Let me tell you – it’s tough to review anything done live. Then again – it’s really easy too if you can follow my thinking here. Album’s can be fixed so if it’s bad they can improve it. Live – forget it. You’re raw and out there (unless your name is Miley Cyrus). So – this is a treat.

Mary Prankster is a jazzy, folk sort of sound with some of that Midwestern style of country music. “Whistlestop” is incredibly clean considering it’s live. “New Tricks” is a about her whoring life – funny actually and kind of fascinating. Filthy sometimes but it’s fun so who cares besides the PMRC?

“Arm’s Length” is a great example of a good song all around musically and lyrically, very soulful sounding like “Irresponsible Woman” and “Rational Bohemian”.

The song choices are fun and soulful sounding. If she sounds this decent live I can only imagine what a cleaned up CD sounds like so I give much kudos in a definite 8 out of 10. I would have enjoyed more serious material since it’s not billed as comedy and to also remove the useless chatter and intros.

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Author: Mike Johnson