SOS: A Guide To Better Living – CD Review

Two Words: Chris Daughtry, that American Idol loser. Vocally that was my first impression and if all else fails then S.O.S could cover Mr. Daughtry at the local bar. That is if it didn’t sound as good, but I think they sound better than that re-born wannabe.

“Star Killers” is a decently paced rock jam with crisp vocals and an obvious disdain for the whole “fame” thing. Which is cool – I like a good rebel anthem. “Everything Must Go” is another good, solid rock song.

No matter which track you choose be it “Old No. 7” a crushing, metal influenced hardcore offering or “Hopeless”, a more traditional rock your ass off track you won’t be disappointed at all by S.O.S – just don’t expect some great magnanimous, society influencing music here.

Though very good, both vocally and musically, S.O.S wasn’t very remarkable. They didn’t overly stand out and were very rudimentary. It’s hard to be too original these days. Rock is rock really, it is what it is. That doesn’t discount the fact that S.O.S is good because they are very good. I like the vocals, the music and lyrics. A definite CD buy and a great opening band.

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Author: Mike Johnson