Roger Williams: Black And White – CD Review

I hold country music about as high as I hold Rap but hey – there is something funny about a country singer with a song called “If Jesus Came To Town” and actually made it sound good – I’m not a Jesus freak but I think the song is good. The singer sounds like he was too close to the mic though – sort of like a live performance. I think it adds something to the bluegrass style found within and I like bluegrass.

I dislike when a guy starts out strong then fizzles on just song two. “Buzzcat”, though musically good, is just lacking in any sound vocals or lyrical quality and is an easy skip on the old CD player.

Out of all of the songs I think “Buster” is probably the best. There is no over vocalizing whatsoever. Simple singing with simple guitar which makes you thinks about Uncle Joe sitting on his porch with a guitar in hand.

There are some questionable choices of arrangements and sometimes the vocals just aren’t that good. It is what it is though and that’s pretty decent. I can’t really complain about it much. 8 out of 10 is a good place to be with me when you’re in a genre I don’t care much for.

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Author: Mike Johnson