Infected (II) (2013) – Movie Review

20130602_1106Infected (II) is a 95 minute movie under the action, horror, sci-fi genre. This is a movie written and directed by Glenn Ciano.

The movie is about a small group of people who try to save each other against the widespread virus that is attacking people in their area. This virus is very dangerous because it destroys the soul from inside out and originated from flicks through birds and deer. Once infected, it can turn anybody into an animal like creäture. This is a ticking time bomb, a contagious illness that is affecting people of all ages. Once exposed, progression of the illness is fast and with a weakened immune system and weak resolve, it can overtake a person easily.

The cast of stars are Michael Madsen as Louis Hartley, Christy Romano as Kelly, William Forsythe as Dr. Edward Dennehey, Johnny Cicco as Seth, Tom DeNucci as Andrew Hartley, Tracey Sheldon as the Call Girl, Sera Verdi as Sarah and Jeanine Kane as Angela, the wife of Louis.

Among the cast, I liked how Louis handled  the group for them not to panic as their attackers come in numbers. Staying in a house in a remote place is not ideal for their safety, but his experience and age as a hunter gave him an edge to manage the group and abate their fears. Louis is in control of the situation. Dr. Dennehey’s acting is excellent as he tries to combat his surge of attacks and record the symptoms while he still has sanity in the hope of at least giving explanation to the nature of the virus. David Gere, the surviving father played his part very well also.

The movie is riveting and horrifying. I could not imagine myself in their situation. There’s suspense and I held my breath every time zombies attacked them. The suspense building and emotional investment is high that this is recommended for those that are not faint hearted.

There should have been experts studying the disease to cure people…but, oh well, the medicine people might have been killed by those who are infected.

The beginning is fast paced action and it uses flashback of events. The musical score and the acting prowess of the lead characters are fine and this is fine for a rated B movie. It held my breath away and fastened me to my seat.

Although Louis lost Angela and their unborn child during their flight to safety, he still has Andrew to help. Although only a few people survived, a safe haven was given to them. The war wagon used to scout for food or survivors has been a very useful invention of Andrew.

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Author: Irene Taniegra

A casual writer and a virtual assistant