Aeon: Rise To Dominate – Music Review

The great Death Metal bands are just that because of the way in which they spit their social commentary. Aeon deals with many different aspects of social duress in their LP “Rise To Dominate” on Metal Blade records (2007) giving  the dark context of their subjects a light not unlike a candle held vigil for unsung victims. The demonic voice of Tommy Dahlström deals with these issues wielding a forked tongue that lashes  out with blazing lyrics in a virtuosic growl the likes of which stun and delight the listener to prick up their ears in attention. It is this treatment along with the intense wall of sound delivered via the bass of Max Carlberg, the guitar sounds of Zeb Nilsson, Daniel Dlimi and the drumming sorcery of Nils Fjellström.

A grimoire of master death metal arrangements as tight as a snare with no gimmicky guitar leads and brilliant flashes of genius in scattered guitar solos throughout the record. Definitely not a formulaic mainstream boring metal album. Don’t let the topnotch production values fool you. The alchemy here is in the players. With definite old school chops to spare their musical maturity is most evident in the finely crafted and brutally effective arrangements. With every break and stop, there is an opportunity to relish the music and peel back the layers, like Wagner in this case. Big, heavy, and dark.

Even after many changes in personell the Swedish Aeon continue to put out a consistent rocking front line that is united in it’s vision and goals as a band. They continue to garner success and work hard to put out albums. One more powerful and hard edged than the previous. Consistent with some of the worlds finest Death Metal bands, they have a loyal fanbase,  incredible videos and merch that you can check out on their site. This is a lifestyle that definitely pays dividends.

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Author: Onel Mulet