The Two Martini Diet By Jerry Sorlucco


One part “real life” advice, two parts healthy lifestyle, and a splash of initiative is all you need to find a slimmer, healthier you, according to the new book,

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The Two Martini Diet: How I Lost 100+ Lbs While Eating Well and Having a Drink by Jerry Sorlucco, which provides a refreshing outlook on the concept of losing weight and improving overall health and wellness.

“The inspiration to write this book came about a year into my own weight loss program,” says Sorlucco. “Upon retirement from being an airline pilot I was relaxing, taking it easy, and steadfastly gaining weight – until I was more than 100 pounds over a healthy weight.”

In 2006 at the age of 69, Sorlucco found himself weighing more than he ever had. At a peak of 270 pounds, he vetoed the diet ‘fads”, and instead chose his own route to a healthy weight – a “new manner of living” that allowed him to eat normally but mindfully, exercise daily, and ultimately win his personal battle with the bulge.

“I am not a dietitian, a doctor, or anyone with these kinds of credentials,” Sorlucco points out. “I am simply sharing my real life account of what worked and what didn’t work to get myself back to a healthy lifestyle.”

In a broader scope, Sorlucco asserts that if Americans make a better overall effort to maintain a healthier weight and lifestyle, this could potentially play a large role in alleviating healthcare issues. Simply put, if Americans lose weight, health-related issues that result from being overweight will subside, and the burden of overpriced healthcare may be lessened.

“Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and over one-third (approximately 133 million) are obese,” informs Sorlucco. “This puts them at a high risk of developing chronic diseases that are responsible for 7 out of 10 deaths – killing over 1.7 million people a year. If my book helps people establish their own individual wellness programs that works, perhaps these frightening statistics will begin to change.”

Jerry Sorlucco served as a commercial airline captain for almost forty years with US Airways, up until his retirement in 1997 at age 60. He had a brief political stint upon his retirement, running unsuccessfully for State Senate and the New Hampshire House, maintaining a social progressive and fiscal conservative platform. Sorlucco was the founder and chair of the Northern New Hampshire Democratic Party Committee. Currently, he serves on two public service boards, North Country Home Health Hospice and the New Hampshire Citizens Alliance.

He has written numerous opinion pieces for newspapers on topics ranging from politics to aviation, some of which were award winners. Previous book titles include A Good Stick: An Airline Captain Lives the History of 20th Century Commercial Aviation and Facing Fascism: The Threat to American Democracy in the 21st Century.

Sorlucco remains a prominent political figure in Littleton, New Hampshire, where he resides with his wife, Sue, and their beloved dogs and cat.

For more information, please visit, for the book trailer,

To purchase a copy of The Two Martini Diet: How I Lost 100+ lbs While Eating Well and Having a Drink please visit

Author: Paola