Statement From City Council Candidate Ken Diamondstone (D-33rd District) Regarding Opportunity to Ballot

“I have successfully empowered members of the Working Families Party to choose their nominee for the City Council in the 33rd District themselves at the ballot box – the democratic way.  My campaign has successfully circulated enough ‘opportunity to ballot’ petitions to necessitate a primary for the Working Families Party.  I was saddened when power players in the WFP decided to appoint Steven Levin as their nominee for City Council in a backroom deal.  Levin is a classic machine politician and the protégé of Assemblyman and party boss Vito Lopez, whose dictatorial leadership has taken the democracy out of the Brooklyn Democratic Party.

“It’s sad that today’s WFP appears so detached from the progressive values it was founded upon just over a decade ago.  The WFP was established by real grassroots leaders.  Our endeavor is an attempt to give the voice back to the people and to make a stand for the democratic ideals that once made the WFP a voice for real change.

“While I am grateful for the endorsement of the Working Families Party in my campaign for the State Senate in 2006, the party has changed from one of idealism to one that promotes ‘end justifies the means’ politics.  I encourage members of the WFP to vote for me on September 15, because I am the candidate who truly fights for progressive reform and working-class people.”

Author: Paola