Dive Index: Mid/Air – CD Review

11_0714Rating: 4/5

I picked up three different singers, a horn of some sort, a drum kit, and maybe a violin, a cello, and a keyboard.  Although given the electronic nature of this album I’m not sure if any of those instruments are actually played or just imitated by a machine.  Doesn’t matter, this is still a cool album with an ethereal sound.

This is not an album that you can rock out to, instead it is one of those best played at a lounge or somewhere where you are supposed to feel relaxed and at the same time experiencing something new.  You really have to be in a certain mood for this music, and it’s definitely not for every, especially those of you who consider yourselves musical speed demons.

I don’t know if the lyrics are supposed to mean anything because since the music is so moody, there is really no need for the lyrics, they are not adding much, if anything, to the music other than reminding me that they are actually singing, and not producing an all instrumental album.

This is a relaxing album that is able to make you feel light and a bit alien.  It is not dull and did not get caught up so much in creating an atmosphere that it became monotonous and repetitive.  Again, it’s not for everyone, but I recommend that you give it a try.

Track Names
For Centuries
Between Sky And Sea
Sole Fisherman
The Promise Room
Second Guessing
Water In Our Hands
Screen To Screen
Hoko Onchi
Come Tell Me
Into Powder
The World Is Kind

Artist: Album
Dive Index: Mid/Air

Alternative & Punk

More Information

Author: Tingyu Shen