Mystery Palace: Flags Forward – CD Review

03_0453The only mystery here is why are they even bothering? I mean – seriously – techno and dance music is all but dead and no one and I mean NO ONE listens to the lyrics anymore. It makes no sense to give the genre a second glance. All of the good beats and drops are done in-house by the DJ on duty at the time. Mystery Palace is trying to bring some old school elektronica back from the dead – trying to resurrect a lost art of techno music. I hold techno below rap on the ingenuity scale and so it would take a lot to get me interested in anything that is remotely techno oriented. Did Mystery Palace do that for me? No. Nuh-uh. Not in the slightest.

The main problem that I have with the Mystery Palace CD is the fact that they spend more time trying to flesh out lyrics that make sense then making actual dance music that – well – would make you want to dance. They just do not pull that off at all. It is so poorly done in fact that however they recorded it brought with a lot of background noise. Of course – If that is meant to be intentional then wow – how annoying do they want to be because it was making my nose gush a liter of blood (no, not really – I would be dead now but it was pretty painful to the senses). There was some good stuff though painful as it is to admit. The lyrics themselves were decently written and sung so-so. The dance beats they were spinning has potential of cleaned up and they figure out exactly WHAT they want to be because right now they are nor dance and they make a really poor techno group.

All in all I have to give Mystery Palace a solid D. They showed up at the very least and did something. That really is half the battle. Unfortunately as they were fighting this battle of theirs they neglected to load their guns or take target practice because they missed the mark quite a bit. They need a cleaner recording process and a way better way to lay down some tracks – let me suggest ProTools. Seriously. But – as I said – they put forth and effort. Either do dance music and techno or do pop music – not both because, unless done perfectly, really do not work.

Track Names
Every Hour
Nascar Survivor
You and Me
Two-Way Stranger
What Are You Whispering?
You’re a Whore
Free Ride
I Can’t Wait

Artist: Album
Mystery Palace: Flags Forward


More Information

Author: Michael Johnson