Markus Kollier: Vol 2 – CD Review

29_0740Pop music holds a very special meaning in my heart… no, not really. I hold it in the same regard as rap music and twangy country music. It just does not sound good to me. This is a steady rule for me and it takes a lot for me to admit if I am wrong. I was not sure what to expect when I was assigned Markus Kollier’s new CD – but I didn’t expect a woman. I sure didn’t expect a woman who sings VERY well and that is exactly what I got. So that is a real present surprise – just like the Christmas song that I liked. Most artists will not put on a holiday tune unless it is a holiday album so I was a bit thrown back about it.

What do you do when you cannot stand pop but you find yourself enjoying it? Do you try to ignore it or are you big enough to admit it? Well – I am big enough to admit that I liked it. I won’t call it pop music though and I will tell you why – there is nothing here that is remotely Britney Spears like. It is anti-Britney because it actually happens to be good. It is something I would call coffeehouse pop because it has a soul to it. There is depth behind the words and not some studio songwriter shoving words in the artist’s mouth let along a fancy mixing board that exists to clean up bad vocals.

Give this album a long, hard listen. It is a really solid offering from Markus Kollier (despite the name being incredibly deceiving). The songs all have a message and the meaning is quite clear to any single person that cares enough to open their heart to listen to it. There is not a note wrong in any of the songs that I could find. The vocals are strong and are never lost in the musicality (which is also very good). The music itself is not forced – it accentuates everything that is positive about the vocals. It is worth it.

Is this album changing my mind about pop music? No, not in the least because I do not think this album meets the qualifications of pop music as we know it to this day. The music is crisp and clear, vocals are strong and powerful and the songs make sense and give a sense of importance.

Track Names
Dance Your Life
Mad Life
Heal It Or Break It
Body Language
Mary’s Tune
Don’t Let Me Starve
I’m Ready
I Have A Dream
Th Everglade Of Love
It’s Christmas Again

Artist: Album
Markus Kollier: Vol 2


More Information

Author: Michael Johnson