Kevin: I Love America – CD Review

Someone has a major hard on for this country in the form of this CD which leads me to believe 1 of 3 things: 1. He’s related to the Unabomber, 2. Not from this country or 3. is looking for album sales based on American pride (you know – like those car flags).

Musically “I Love America” sounds great – some great rock riffs, hard jamming stuff. Lyrically it’s so-so. It’s the usual stuff you hear from political psychopaths. It had its moments.

The second track off the plastic shiny thing, “Come Home After The War”, is nothing like the first – like Kevin lost his jewels in a mean thresher accident. This is just like Christian rock praising to God but this time, God is the good ole USA. Are the sentiments in the song for real or just a swift marketing ploy to get incumbents to pimp the CD and choose a song for the campaign trail? I don’t know. Musically it’s alright. Vocally it’s pretty decent. He has a nice tone.

Well – basically the entire CD is about the War in Iraq. There’s only so much one person can take. I got my limit after the 3rd track. Musically it’s good; vocally it’s not bad so if listening to an entire CD about the War then go for it. Based solely on music talent and continuity etc. etc. I have to give it 8 out of 10.

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Author: Mike Johnson