The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) – Movie Review

0016There is more to Keanu Reeves than that irritating, laid back brunette surfer we all got annoyed with in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. He has grown over the years to become a tremendous actor. From Point Break to Constantine, from the Matrix to that weird movie with time travel and love and stuff. There are two ways people look at Keanu Reeves – you either love him or you hate him. I guess I’m in the slim minority when I’m feeling just a bit indifferent. I guess that’s part of the job though. I disliked the Matrix (sure, boo me).. I did like Johnny Neumonic (sure, boo me..) But we’re here to discuss The Day the Earth Stood Still.

One could argue that Reeves took on this role for a coulple of reasons:

1. It was easy to play because the character of Klaatu was very similar to “The One” from the Matrix…
2. He liked the suit from Constantine so decided he’d like to wear it again..
3. A great sci-fi classic gets a revamp and wanted to prove remakes don’t suck..

I personally think the answer is all of the above. It’s a lot harder to play dea dpan than you think. Trying to stay unemotional when every one else is being emotional is tough to do for any actor. Klaatu is an uneomotional, nonjudgemental force that holds OUR future in his hands and is here for one thing, and one thing only: The Earth.

The Sci-Fi aspect of The Day the Earth Stood Still is phenomenal and not overdone. It’s there because it is what it is. There is nothing too extravagant about it. We got the sphere and instead of a silver BB it’s a swirling ball of light that resembles the surface of a gaseous giant. Klaatu is met with resistence from second one – being shot doesn’t bode well for the people of the world.

The story got a nice revamp from the original so don’t even WORRY about comparing the two because you simply can’t. All of the elements from the original are there and I highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t but take this version for what it is: just plain friggin cool.

Will Smith’s kid is in the film from nearly shot 1 and puts on another tremendous showing as he did in Pursuit of Happiness but this time dad wasn’t around to lend a hand. A very real and very emotional performance that could melt the coldest of hearts (mine is stone cold so I was like.. whatever) but at first glance I thought he was a little girl and just have to say – get a haircut. Great Clips has a $2.99 special running right now so ya..

I can’t say there is much action – there is plenty to kep you interested. The message is there: take care of the Earth! We only get one and history shows us that at some point nature WILL rebel and will make us change or get rid of us to start anew. The movie is basically a political statement against technology and going green. What the movie and take its message not too lightly…

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Author: Michael Johnson