Hancock (2008) – Movie Review

0003Hancock Hands it to Other Superheroes!

I’m a nerd, a geek – whatever you want to call it. I played Dungeons and Dragons in school (and still, to this day, miss the geekiness of it), I still play Magic: The Gathering and used to collect comic books like it was a new religion. Superheroes have become a staple of our society from the usually squeaky clean personas of the DC Comics to the more edgy and realistic heroes from the Marvel Universe. Captain America is an All-American, squeaky clean superhero – Hancock is his hubris. He would be the exact opposite of the Captain in every sense of the word.

Will Smith has grown so much since he was on Fresh Prince. From “Independence Day” fighting Aliens to “I am Legend” fighting Zombie-like creatures and now, as Hancock, he is fighting… well, dudes with guns who were previously embarrassed by the aforementioned Hancock.

Like the Punisher from Marvel he is the anti-hero. Granted – he didn’t shoot anyone in the face and the Punisher has no superpowers but he is not the typical hero. He has amnesia from a previous incident and, for whatever reason, he has a driving need to still assist people even though it is half-ass, rude, obnoxious and often times dangerous. There is a redemption plot of course – to turn this drunken jerk-off into a real superhero.

The special effects are top notch, the action is sweet and the visuals are tremendous. The acting is great and there is a lot of emotion from start to finish. Theron was great – Will Smith brought probably one his best performances since ID4 was released and Jason Bateman was, well – Jason Bateman which is great. I don’t want to give away anything because there are some great twists and turns and nice surprises that are well worth the wait to see the movie.

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Author: Michael Johnson