Green Party Presidential Candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka Win ‘The People’s Endorsement’

screen-shot-2016-11-07-at-5-21-59-pmThe people have voted and we have listened!

After 12 years of being in existence, Hot Indie News is proud to announce our first ever political endorsement which we are calling ‘The People’s Endorsement’ to Green Party presidential candidates Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka due to their overwhelming victory in our ongoing poll that has been running since October 19th.

The results of this poll clearly show that the people are ready to make a radical break away from politics as usual and vote for the greater good rather than choosing between the lesser of two evils (which in this election cycle are two of the most unlikeable and untrusted candidates in our country’s history).

Additionally, supporters of Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka (and all Green Party candidates down ticket) have been sharing the fact that if they receive a minimum 5% of the nationwide vote that this would be a crucial first step in building the movement for a “Political Revolution” in this country that Bernie Sanders was promoting during his campaign.

By receiving a minimum 5% vote nationwide the Green Party will:

  • Automatically receive access to many state ballots that have been hard to get on in the past
  • Receive million of dollars from the federal government toward their next presidential election
  • Show the country that there is a strong movement for massive advancements in electoral reform

rcv_easy_ballot_ranked_3-1largeThe Green Party will then be able to push for truly democratic voting solutions such as Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) also known as Rank Choice Voting (RCV) to provide true “strategic voting” to ALL of our local, state and federal elections.

If you don’t understand how IRV or RCV works and how it completely eliminates lesser evil voting, please read this:

The state of Maine just enacted IRV as the voting system for the entire state! It is completely doable and many municipalities
have used it for many years. But Democrats and Republicans have fought IRV. Why? because it actually makes them accountable
to their constituents instead of to their corporate funders!

We are in a climate crisis and time is running out. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently reported that we will expect a minimum of 9 feet of sea level rise by 2050 if we don’t stop climate change NOW! We can’t afford to silence our voices
against the two parties and their candidates who will do nothing to end climate change!

The Green Party is building a mass movement for the long haul to save the planet, to have real racial and economic justice, to end war, and to build a true and sustainable democracy.

The Democrats and Republicans will not do it. They have shown us that time and time again. If a majority of the people select either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidates, the outlook for our planet and people will be consumed by fear, hate and war.

jill_stein_hpphotoHowever, if ‘The People’s Endorsement’ is any indication as to how voters will truly cast their ballots and not along the lines of what the corporate media wants you to believe, then we hopefully will witness the election of our first female Green Party president to usher in an era of democracy, love and peace.

The People Have Spoken! It’s time to #VoteGreenIn2016 #ItsInOurHands

Author: Ralph White