Disconnect (2012) – Movie Review

MV5BMjA2MTEzMDkyOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzc4NTgxOQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_Director: Henry Alex Rubin
Writer: Andrew Stern
Studio: LD Entertainment
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Rating:R for sexual content, some graphic nudity, language, violence and drug use – some involving teens
Runtime:1 hour 55 minutes

I wish this movie was more mainstream because it brings so many relevant issues that exist in the modern day connect worlds. It follows 3 separate stories which really don’t intertwine but they do the movie nicely!

One story is about a news reporter talking one of the just 18 live camera rooms and thinks she needs to save the boy and it gets all messy.

Second story was about two boys who want to play a prank on Jason Bateman’s character loser son who pretty much plays a punk lame boy, and everyone in Jason Bateman’s family is pretty much into their own things blackberries, facebook, iPads and other devices, and the two younger boys create this chick who the son really starts to fall for until he did an internet no no! He send her a nude photo!!! The boys so omg about the moment post it all around the school and just creates all hell for the son.

Third story is about some family who lost their child so the wife reaches out to an online group to make herself feel better and gets really close to this one online handle. But at the same time they have been ID theft! So husband thinks it has been the dude she been talking about since they had things in common so she might of told him everything… so they pretty much hire a PI and stalk the potential suspect who maybe this handle who stole ALL their money and then causes chaos amoung now multiple people. The film ends with none of the stories being resolved, and yet, with all characters having grown closer to the ones they love in the process, or rather, having stopped “disconnecting.”

For more information visit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1433811/