PETA demands Paul, the World Cup-predicting octopus, be set free

He is like Sylvia Browne with tentacles, an octopus with an uncanny knack for predicting the outcomes of international soccer matches.

But according to the animal rights group PETA, Paul the Octopus, who resides at the Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, should be set free.

With the World Cup final just days away, PETA wants Sea Life to release Paul to protected waters off of the south of France.

“Paul has forecast that Germany will beat Argentina. In order that Paul too can celebrate on Saturday, and not just football fans, PETA Germany … is now asking for him to be set free,” PETA said in a statement.

The organization contends that Paul’s high level of cognition renders him able to feel suffering. Hence, they claim, it would be cruel to keep him in permanent confinement.

“Octopuses are among the most intelligent of invertebrates. They are capable of complex thought processes, have short and long-term memories, use tools, learn through observation, have different personalities and are particularly sensitive to pain,” the organization said.

A spokeswoman for Sea Life told AFP life in open water would be dangerous for the octopus because he is acclimatized to living in captivity:

“Animals born in captivity are used to being fed and have no experience finding food by themselves.”

One might recall other celebrity marine animals who have grown up in captivity and fared poorly on the open seas. PETA wouldn’t want Paul to end up like poor Willy, would they?

Besides, if our beloved mystical mollusk is so sage, why shouldn’t he be allowed decide for himself what his future should be?

His prognostication skills earned him legions of adoring fans except for some Germans, that wants Paul dead and served for dinner for accurately predicting the loss oover Spain in yesterday’s World Cup semi-final. 

Author: Paola