Jesse James’ Second Mistress came out Melissa Smith

Melissa Smith

Tattoo-covered Melissa Smith came out Wednesday morning to claim that Jesse James contacted her via MySpace in 2006, one year after his wedding to Sandra Bullock. After seeing a MySpace pic of her on one of his West Coast Choppers, James gave Melissa Smith his personal email and invited her to his office. They then had sex (that was always unprotected, claims Smith) approximately twice a month for two years, until Jesse James broke up with Melissa Smith in March 2009 — which is when Michelle “Bombshell” McGee came into his life.

Grossed out by the Melissa Smith tale? Hang on to your lunch: the National Enquirer is said to be holding the names and accounts of a whopping 11 (11 + Shift = !!) more Jesse James mistresses. We reported Wednesday afternoon that Sandra Bullock returned to Los Angeles Tuesday night…is Bullock finally lawyering up and preparing for the down-and-dirty divorce talk? After this Melissa Smith announcement, the probabilities point to yes.

Author: Paola