Soundscreen Design releases latest Artist Music Journals featuring Bongout

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Soundscreen Design releases the fifth installment of the ongoing Artist Music Journals series featuring Bongout

AMJ 05 Bongout

The inseparable connection between music and art is the inspiration behind Soundscreen Design’s latest Curated Series of limited edition small art books – Artist Music Journals. Edition 05 in the ongoing series features the work of the indefinable German team of Christian “Meeloo” Gfeller and Anna Hellsgrd, known as Bongout. Their contribution to the series was described by its creators as “…an experimental collage book. We actually scanned some covers from our records collection and cut and paste them into this new project.”

Featuring source material from albums as diverse as Black Dice’s “Broken Ear Record” to The Meteors’ “In Heaven”, the 24 pages of this AMJ are a kind of visual remix of selections from Bongout’s record collection. Bongout’s silkscreened books & posters are collected by institutions across the globe, including MOMA NY, MOMA SF, Art Institute of Chicago, Harvard University Fine Art’s Library, Smith Collage, UCLA, Musee d’Art Moderne et Contemporain Strasbourg, and Yale University.

Over the last 15 years, Gfeller and HellsgÄrd have been running a silkscreen workshop and graphic design studio. Inside this atelier, the two regularly join forces with artists and designers to create limited edition, hand printed artist books. It was from this publishing studio foundation, that together they spawned Bongout Gallery. Here they showcase not only the original artworks within the printed catalogues, but give rise to a platform of dialogue and collaboration between artists and designers.

Bongout has matured from a small studio into a broad interactive network, which has been a springboard for visionary ideas. This is a community that supports exploration in visual and non-visual art, such as music, album covers, posters, motion graphics, video, performance, and installation. The works reflect Bongout and Bongout reflects the work.

Artist Music Journals are an ongoing, monthly, limited edition small book series. Each month, a visual artist or musician is asked to create a 24-page book of artworks, drawing inspiration from their connection to music. The different ways in which each artist chooses to represent their connection to music is what makes this ongoing series unique, intriguing and diverse.Each book is limited to 1,000 copies, printed on thick stock, offset, box-scored and saddle stitched, and comes packaged in a 10″ jacket. The jackets for each edition will be identical, keeping the collection’s overall outward design aesthetic consistent. However, there is a distinct letterpressed sticker wrapping the opening of the jacket for each installment featuring a replication of the artist’s signature, the volume, installment number, and edition.The series is sold exclusively through Soundscreen Design, Insound, and a select group of retailers. Stand-alone sales of each installment ($17 USD) are available, however, the only way to ensure a copy of each installment is to purchase a full year subscription ($169 USD).


AMJ 04 Previous Edition
AMJ 01AMJ 02AMJ 03

Soundscreen Design is a Brooklyn, NY based product design company inspired by music. They design, produce, and distribute music related products categorized as apparel, editions, hard goods, and curated series. Soundscreen Design’s aim is to advance the concept of music merchandise through meticulous design coupled with a fan’s appreciation for and obsession with the “thing”.

For more information, please visit:
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AMJ Series –
Bongout –

Author: Paola