Woman explores her own destiny using the 11:11 Code

Houston, TX, How many times have you looked at the clock and were surprised by how often it reads 11:11 or 2:22 or even 3:33?  One woman’s curiosity got the better of her when this kept happening and she would not accept it was a simple coincidence.  Her adventurous personality provided her with the courage to further explore each twist of fate that kept popping up around certain numbers – ju st to see where it would all lead.

The 11:11 Code:  Secrets of the Convent (O-Books) is a gripping story of how yoga teacher Hilary Carter was led, by a compilation of past lives, premonitions and number signs to purchase (with the intention of renovating) an ancient convent in Andalucía , Spain .  The problems she encountered went way beyond any normal restoration of a historical property you would expect to see on a television show today.  First, her financial backer died, then her first builder ended up in prison and the second builder became paralyzed in a tragic accident – and all this only scratches the surface.  The actual building, formerly a home to the Knights Templar, was both haunted and had a will of its own.  Carter has since sold the convent, but this exploration of synchronicity and destiny sits with The Celestine Prophecy as an inspiring example of discovering meaning behind events.

Carter will shortly be setting out on a very special journey – she plans to travel along the 111 degree line of longitude to raise awareness of the 11:11 phenomenon, beginning in Calgary , Canada and ending in Nogales , Mexico .  She will finalize her journey in New York where she will be available for interviews October 25 – 27th.  Carter admittedly lives her life according to the numbers 11/111/1111 and firmly believes that her journey will help heal our planet.  In fact, she suggests that if we each pause what we are doing at 11:11 a.m. every day, not just on November 11 (Veterans Day) when we honor those brave men and women who gave their lives for our freedom, and take a moment to reflect and send out positive, uplifting and peaceful thoughts – she believes it could make a huge difference in achieving a peaceful world.

There has already been much ado about the significance of 11:11 leading into the year 2012, and the fact that at 11:11 a.m. on December 21st in the year 2012, the Mayan calendar ends.  It is believed that at this point a global or universal spiritual awakening will begin.  After reading 11:11 Code, you will never look at the world in the same way again, for once you are awakened to the 11:11 sign, there is no going back to sleep …

Hilary Carter is a British Wheel of Yoga teacher, workshop leader and consultant astrologer, having studied with the world-renowned faculty of Astrological Studies in London .  She is currently involved in setting up a yoga retreat center in an ancient convent that she has recently purchased in the Dordogne region of France .

Claire Wilkinson, author of The Crab Man: “Wow! What a book!  This is a fascinating true tale of hidden secrets in an ancient Spanish church.  The amazing coincidences that Hilary experienced around the number 11:11 took her on an incredible journey.  Her discoveries and insights along the way will enlighten you and open your eyes to a new way of looking at the world…found the book intriguing and thrilling…couldn’t wait to continue reading and feel sure everyone else will too.  It is such an importa nt book…the truth will come out!”

Paul F. Newman, author of Declination in Astrology: “For those who have vaguely heard of 11:11 and maybe dismissed its wilder claims, this personal account provides an exciting and thought-provoking real life adventure.  As a personal account of how mystical numbers can impinge so forcefully on a person’s destiny and change the course of lives, this is worth a dozen theoretical treatises on arcane revelation.  The journey never flags and we travel in anticipation as the underlying (or unconscious) reasons for her buying the convent are gradually revealed.”

Barbara Venn-Lever, Host of ‘The Positively Barbara Show: “A delightfully easy read which draws you inward and onwards.  It is a hard one to put down.  Be prepared to have the blinkers and fetters removed and free your own spiritual evolution from ignorance.”

Author: Paola