Cindy Sheehan demands the immediate release by Israel of 2008 Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney and other kidnapped aid workers on the boat: The Spirit of Humanity

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Human Rights’ Activist and Gold Star Mother, Cindy Sheehan, calls on the Israeli government to immediately release the members and crew of the boat The Spirit of Humanity that was attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to the devastated peoples of Gaza.

Speaking from Newton, Mass, Ms. Sheehan commented: “The detention of the crew and human rights’ workers on The Spirit of Humanity is a clear violation of international law, as the blockade of Gaza is a clear violation of not only international law but the human rights of the people of Gaza. Not only must the Israeli government immediately release and recompense the captives, but it must allow the humanitarian aid to penetrate the blockade.”

She continued: “I not only call on the Israeli government to do the right thing, but I call on our own President, who has claimed that he is an advocate for human rights, to condemn this act of international piracy by the rogue state of Israel and also demand the release of the kidnapped aid workers. This condemnation must be as strong and clear as the condemnation for the Somali “pirates” was. A very courageous and dear friend of mine, Cynthia McKinney, was on that boat and the captives must all be treated with dignity and respect and speedily released.”

Author: Ralph White