Priscilla Ahn: Selections from A Good Day – Music Review

24_0540Priscilla Ahn has slowly become a household name for a certain indie crowd, specifically for those interested in the steadily growing pool of femme fatales, musically gifted in voice and mind, often wielding a guitar, and in this case, even the occasional harmonica. Priscilla Ahn’s East Asian background brings about thoughts of a calmer, more homely Rachael Yamagata, both in appearance and sound.  However, Ahn is a minimalist, relying strictly on her voice to conjure emotion, whatever that may be.

Songs from her major label debut A Good Day, feature steady guitar picking and sugary melodies, held together with a day-dream like quality. Her voice is a clean alternative to the cluttered eclecticism of the current electronica trend, synthesizer free and untreated, except maybe with an extra dose of honey. When listening to one of Ahn’s songs, recalling who exactly is singing can be a mystifying task, as unexposed ears may mistake her for Ingrid Michaelson. However, after more aural analysis, it is difficult to pinpoint which of her female singer-songwriter contemporaries she sounds like exactly; she does not sound like anyone specifically, but rather everybody simultaneously.

Almost more pop than folk, her songs emanate the laid back California cool of where she now resides. Uncomplicated and organic, lyrical musings reveal Ahn’s West coast nature.  “Leave the Light On” is calm and relaxing, precisely a song you’d leave on in the background, as Ahn coaxes you to turn the light off, and fall asleep into restful slumber.

Selections from “A Good Day” are sure to brighten a rainy afternoon. These tunes are precisely what you would hear in a hotel cafe, or just any cafe. Nonetheless, if you’re into female vocalists, in need of background music, or have simply grown weary of Feist overplay, this may just be your cup of tea.

Track Names
I Don’t Think So
Leave The Light

Artist: Album
Priscilla Ahn: Selections from A Good Day

Indie / Folk

More Information

Author: Elissa Suh