Darren Kramer: Rockin Til The Apocalypse – CD Review

11_0648Rating: 2/5

I have not heard of a blues-rock album in a very long time, and this guy so far convinced me that The Rolling Stones had perfected the genre in their early albums.  Kramer should have done this album with some other genre.  I like the content of some of his lyrics, but both the lyrics and the delivery can be better.

The most annoying part is not his sacrilege of the blues-rock genre, but his voice.  It is tremendously annoying to the point that I didn’t care about his lyrics and just want him to shut up.  His lyrics almost always rhyme, which means that he needs to take a poetry class to learn that lyrics, like poems, don’t always have to rhyme.  Too much rhyming can kill the songs.  Another thing about his voice, every time he finishes a line of lyrics, his voice ends on the same high wailing tone that got on my nerves.  I think he was trying to imitate Mick Jagger.  How dare he!   His voice lacked Jagger’s passion, and the crappy guitar playing cannot be compared with that of the great Keith Richards.

On one song, “Dum Diddy Dum”, he read his lyrics like poetry, blew on the harmonica, and finished the track with the same words he started it.  It is not only unnecessary; it is also a horrible track that showed off his terrible lyrics that might impress idiots.  What’s even worse, he never realized he’s bad and just kept doing what he did.  And I thought: amateur.

Track Names
Boom Power Boogie
Rockin Til The Apocalypse
Baltimore Prison Blues
The Truth
My Women
Dum Diddy Dum
Calling Gary G
The Streets Are Yours

Artist: Album
Darren Kramer: Rockin Til The Apocalypse

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Author: Tingyu Shen