TV Watch Launches “Spring Clean Your TV” Campaign

As parents across the country complete their spring cleaning rituals and get ready for summer, TV Watch is reminding them to make sure the TV does not get overlooked.  The group is launching Spring Clean Your TV, an innovative campaign that helps parents learn more about ratings and blocking technologies to ensure the content coming through the TV is appropriately clean.

The Spring Clean Your TV campaign launched today with the unveiling of a new promotional video and website –  The website is a one-stop resource for parents who want to learn more about how they can take control of the TV content coming into their home.  As part of the effort, TV Watch created a comprehensive tutorial along with a set of easy-to-understand videos that explain TV ratings and the V-Chip.

“Studies show that the time children spend watching television increases 150 percent this time of year.  We at TV Watch want to make sure parents are empowered to take control over what is seen during that time,” said TV Watch Executive Director Jim Dyke .  “Through this campaign, even if they only have two minutes, parents can visit and gain valuable knowledge about parental controls.”

In addition to the online posting of the tutorial and videos, TV Watch is distributing a special Spring Clean Your TV DVD to leading parents groups around the country to be used as a resource.  To learn more, visit

Author: Paola