The Obama Administration: A New Era For Working Families’

Change to Win Statement on President Obama’s First 100 Days In Office

Change to Win executive director Chris Chafe issued the following statement regarding the first 100 days of the new Obama presidency:

“From investments in energy, education, health care and infrastructure, to repairing our leadership role in the global community, the first 100 days of President Obama’s Administration has inspired new optimism and hope, and introduced a new era for America’s working families. Through his bold actions he has proven his commitment to restoring the economy, rebuilding the middle class and renewing the American Dream.

“In his first 100 days President Obama has laid the groundwork for a Working Families Agenda. He has appointed nominees that workers can count on to stand up and fight for them – from Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to his most recent NLRB appointments. He created the White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families, reversed three Bush-era anti-worker executive orders, and strengthened the voices of workers against discrimination with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

“He worked with the House and Senate to pass an economic recovery package and budget that invests in putting America’s workers back on the path of prosperity, from extending unemployment benefits, to balancing tax relief for working people, to putting a down-payment toward real health care reform. He has provided significant investments in sustainable projects that will create good green jobs, strengthen our energy independence, and protect our planet after decades of mismanagement.

“As President Obama said during his acceptance speech on election night, ‘the road ahead will be long,’ and the ‘climb will be steep,’ and during these tough economic times, that couldn’t be more true. But as the last 100 days have proven, with a leader like Obama at the helm, workers once again have a shot at achieving the American Dream.”

Change to Win, a partnership of unions representing six million members was founded in 2005 to organize workers of the new American economy. Change to Win committed to restoring the American Dream so that all workers have a paycheck that can support a family, affordable health care, a secure and dignified retirement, and the opportunity for the next generation to be better off. The seven affiliated unions are: Service Employees International Union, UNITE HERE, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Laborers’ International Union of North America, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and United Farm Workers of America.

Source: Change to Win

Author: Paola