Long Way Down: Trying Times – CD Review

13_0711Come on, feel the noise and bang your head like you don’t need your brain. I won’t say you are going to find yourself in the mosh pit over Long Way Down but you will certainly get yourself moving and some good head banging going on. If you lived through the Winger, Slaughter and Skid Row days then you will certainly enjoy Long Way Down (assuming you enjoyed that type of sound). The sound is familiar – the content is timelier which is great. It makes the music prudent. There is a great mix of angst with a whole lo of edge.

There is a severe lacking of great vocals that are unique. You can easily identify Alice Cooper, Meat Loaf, Ozzy, Ronnie James Dio and of course Sebastian Bach, Axel Rose and the dude from Faith No More. These guys have that unique tone that is unmistakable. The majority of artists today you cannot tell one from the other. I’m happy to say that the vocals of Long Way Day are unique. And they are unique without becoming annoying. Let’s face it – too much Axel IS a bad thing (don’t lie – you know I’m right).

Musically there is something at work that is borderline genius. It’s not there yet but it could be. It is good rock music that entertains, has something to say more than just the get laid and do some pot and drink some vodka crap. There actually is a point to the music that is quite clear and evident. I wasn’t furnished with a full album but if the tracks I did get to listen to are the worst they have to offer then the rest of the CD will be platinum because this stuff is really great. It changes enough to stay interesting by varying chords and vocal depth. Listen to them and become a believer. There is nothing but up for Long Way Down.

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Author: Mike Johnson