Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) – Movie Review

Me and porn is like me an horror movies and with that said I was really looking forward to seeing Zack and Miri make a Porno. Kevin Smith returns as a campy director with a sarcastic and wise sense of humor that can captivate, and I hate to say it, the “Joe the Plumber” of movie watchers. Meaning the comedy can range from just base, sick humor so that those that think making wind chimes out of empty beer cans counts as arts and crafts with the kids can laugh an enjoy it to smart, snarky off-the-wall humor that those who love British comedy can easily get in to. Kevin Smith is a comedy genius and this movie really proves that.

We have Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express) playing Zack, a pissed of barista at a Starbucks wannabe along with Elizabeth Banks (The Uninvited, Role Models) as Miri. The two attend their high school reunion for the free booze and food in order to take their minds off of mounting debt. Kevin Smith is able to take a topic that is prevalent in many of our lives and make it funny because we need to keep a sense of humor. At this reunion Miri locks eyes on Bobby Long, a guy she had a thing for back in high school, played by Superman himself, Brandon Routh. Unfortunately for Miri Bobby has turned gay and is in a deep relationship with Brandon, played by Justin Long (Dodgeball, The Break-Up), who just happens to be a gay porn star.

As Zack and Miri sit in their apartment contemplating where to find money Zack has the brilliant plan that they should make a porno. After much debate of their friendship remaining intact they go with it and start casting. Needless to say there are some serious sex scenes coming at us – some base gross out humor but I have never laughed SO hard during a movie in so long.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno is much more than a comedy. It has many dramatic moments too and is more about love and friendship than anything else. I highly recommend the movie for ANY Kevin Smith fan and if you have yet to see a Kevin Smith movie then start with this one then check out Mall Rats, Clerks and especially Dogma.

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Author: Michael Johnson