Jack the Giant Slayer (2013) – Movie Review

20130529_0242Jack the Giant Slayer is about a lad who grew up with his mother, stepfather and stepsister. On his 18th birthday, a friend of his biological father gives him a gift. The man  said, it was his dad’s wish to give him the pouch containing large bean seeds.

Not realizing the value of the beans at first, he thrusts the seed on a vacant lot and quickly, it grows into a big tree that reaches above the clouds and skies. It is Jack’s fate to find his dad who according to some people went into the clouds and never came down.

Jack the Giant Slayer is an action, fantasy movie with a runtime of 87 minutes. Mark Atkins directed and wrote the script of the movie. The filming took place in Manchester and Lancashire, England.

The major characters in the story are played by Jane March as Serena, Ben Cross as agent Hilton, Jamie Atkins as Jack Krutchens, Harry Dyer as Newald Krutchens, Vicki Glover as Lisa Russell, Julian Boote as Nigel Mason, Tanya Winsor as Sharon Mason, Nigel Peever as Oscar Madison and Steve McTigue as General O’Shauncey.

The acting of Ben Cross and Steve McTigue caught my attention. I also like Nigel’s coolness and Vicki’s support to Jack in his robot making project.

As Jack goes up to the skies, he finds his father Newald. His dad occupies the flying castle whose previous owners are the giants of the place.

He also meets Serena, who controls the ferocious and giant animals that live there. Serena is the opposition, the antagonist that has to be overcome. But Jack’s too late to stop Serena’s vengeful plan against the people below. Already she has unleashed her dreadful beasts to wreak havoc on the earth.

With the beanstalk being destroyed, Jack and his dad have no other option but to use the flying castle to go back to earth to stop Serena’s plan of destruction with the aid of his battle robot.

Although the movie talks about giants, the only giants I saw are the large ferocious animals that Serena brought down to destroy the earth. The filming location is good enough but since this is a low-budget movie, no spectacular special effects should be expected from it. I found the plot good, though there are some dragging moments in the movie. If you are a person looking for simple things to entertain you, watching this movie is a good way to make your day.

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Author: Irene Taniegra

A casual writer and a virtual assistant