NYPD Union head Pat Lynch calls for Boycott of Quentin Tarantino films for #RiseUpOctober march

Just north of Washington Sq Park on Saturday for #RiseUpOctober to Stop police killing of innocent, unarmed people.
Young people who lost family to police violence hold banner with picture of loved one up to police officer.


Quentin Tarantino was called to have his films boycotted by NYPD union president Pat Lynch for his support and participation in #RiseUpOctober
Author, Presbyterian Minister and former NYTimes war correspondent gave a powerful speech on Saturday at Washington Square Park for #RiseUpOctober saying,, “We say to all those who oppress the poorest and most vulnerable among us. That what you do is sinful and evil in the eyes of God. And if you will not repent, blinded by greed and avarice, the lust for power and we see no repentance in you then, we will organize, protest to take from the you the ability to abuse others. If you cannot see God’s justice you Will see God’s wrath!”
Actor Michael Rapaport, from the movie CopLand came out to see what the protest was all about.
Sentiments of many of the protestors against police murdering innocent, unarmed people with impunity, especially the family of those innocently killed by Police.
Before leaving for march, Quentin Tarantino in discussion with Dr. Cornel West.
After he gave a powerful speech,, Dr Cornel West holding picture up of Meagan Hockaday above family member while she spoke about losing their loved on.
Dr Cornel West gave a firey speech on Sat at Washington Sq pk, “We’re here because we have a deep love for those being abused by the police”.
Rev Jerome McCorrey helping lead the actions for #RiseUPOctober
“My son was unarmed, there was no drugs, there was No alcohol, the indicted the police officer but there was no conviction. 99.9% of the time these officers will take a judge, bench trial because they’re all in it together, we need to hold all of them accountable”.
One families experienced when they called the police for help
Travis Morales of StopMassIncarceration.net introducing the rally for #RiseUpOctober to End police killing of innocent, unarmed mostly black & brown youth. Families came from all over the U.S. to tell their stories of the loss of a loved one to a police bullet and to have the cop have impunity.
I’m tired of surviving, I want to live” family of Tyrone West, “we have the power to create our own safety, we don’t have to ask for it anymore”.
Justice League NYC, “We live in a capitalist society and the only way we’re going to effect them is in their pockets. Tell your kids, ‘We ain’t doin Christmas this year’, we ain’t doing Black Friday this year’.
Play write Eve Ensler, “I’m tired of living in a country where state violence has created a terror state for black & brown people. it is unacceptable”.
This speaker talked about the 34 platinum mine workers who protested for higher pay killed in South Africa in 2012
Nicholas Heyward Sr has been fighting for justice for the killing of his son, Nicholas Heyward Jr in 1994 when he was shot dead while playing cops & robbers with friends with a brightly colored orange toy gun in the hallway where he lived at the Wycoff houses in Brooklyn.
Cadine Williams yelling in anger about the killing of her brother O’Shaine Evans killed by SF police.

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Family member expressing anger over the loss of relative by police yelling, “We have rights, we will fight”
Walking with Dr. Cornel West, mother who’s son was killed by police walks under the arm of Dr. Cornel West at #RiseUpOctober march against police brutality
Young people who lost family to police violence hold banner with picture of loved one up to police officer.
Sharonne Salaam, mother of Yusef Salaam one of the Central Park 5 wrongly convicted and jailed for over a decade for the attack of the Central park jogger April 19, 1989
Quentin Tarantino walking with family of those killed by police at #RiseUpOctober


Author: Cat April Watters

On a Truth Diet! Purging myself of all the LIES from Society.